Physics Teacher runs a column called YouTube Physics edited by
Diane Riendeau, an award-winning physics teacher. In May,
the entire column featured five intriguing YouTube videos from
our IR website and recommended instructional strategies to use them effectively in the classroom.
Diane recently wrote about the YouTube Physics Column: "Through the use of YouTube, we can show our students demos that we do not have the capability of doing in class. We can use these videos to inspire them and show them some of the cutting-edge discoveries in our field. We can also show them videos from around the world. Students need to realize that the physics community is global, not just national. They should learn to marvel in the discoveries made by physicists from all nations."

We resonate with her vision, which is why we are publishing our IR videos on YouTube to allow students from all over the world to learn thermodynamics, heat transfer, chemistry, and other science subjects in everyday phenomena through IR vision. In the long run, we hope this effort will give birth to an "IRTube" that collects IR views of many scientific phenomena. With the introduction of thermal imaging technology into the classroom, we hope students will begin to upload their own IR videos to the IRTube. Darren Binnema, a student from the King's University College in Edmonton, Canada, has contributed the first IR video to the "IRTube."
His IR video visualizes the heat of solutions of NaOH and KCl (see the above image).
For more IR videos, please visit
the IRTube website.